Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 16 - Newquay to Lands End

Stayed at a very friendly B&B last night (http://freespace.virgin.net/sheila.harper/) and Steve very generously made a donation to my Jogle. They also have a huge collection of rocks, fossils and minerals that would interest all the Geobods that I know.
Cycling was quite good this morning and only had to use the GPS a couple of times. However, 10 miles from Lands End the liquid version of Cornish sunshine decended and for the next 2 hours the rain lashed down. As Bruce mentioned I have very cleverly managed to avoid all the nice weather on this trip.
On my way out of Lands End I passed the Jogler that I saw near Okehampton and after getting into Penzance I bumped into him again. This time we managed to stop and introduce ourselves. His name is Rob from London and started from John O'Groats about the same time as myself. We shared a few stories before he headed off to find his bed for the night and I headed off in search of a celabratory beer.
Tomorrow I head off back up the road to Aberdeenshire. Its a busy weekend as we're off to watch Scotland v New Zealand at cricket on Thursday (no Emma. I'm not wearing fancy dress) and then off to a wedding on Friday. So it may be early next week before I catch up with my final thoughts for the Jogle.
I am sure Ems will be very glad I'm on my way home if only that she can look forward to my cooking again.
p.s. Iain has let me know that 'Tre' in the placenames in Cornwall means town, farm or settlement.

Newquay to Lands End
Distance: 46miles
Rolling time: 4hr 41min
Max: 34mph
Av speed: 9.8mph

JOGLE Miles: 1020


Cactusnic said...

Congratulations Stu! Shame we didn't get to meet up.

Enjoy the game!

Terrible Angus said...

Well done Stuart, fantastic effort! Have fun at the Cricket!!